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Frequently asked questions:

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Windows reports about missing DLLs? +

The VisualStudio 2015 redistributables might be missing on a local installation. At starting the program Windows comes up with an error message telling that msvcp140.dll and/or vcruntime140.dll are not to be found. These "Visual C++ Redistributables for VisualStudio 2015" (normally vc_redist.x??.exe) might be downloaded directly from Microsoft and installed on the local machine.

About CoatiFrame

What advantage does the use of a C++ platform? +

The C++ language is widely used on many systems and provides very comprehensive tools to design their own projects quickly and efficiently. Based on this CoatiFrame extends the possibilities by providing extensive WEB techniques.

CoatiFrame is a cross-platform? +

CoatiFrame is based on C++, which is supported on different platforms. If this platform also offers sockets, then may be used in principle CoatiFrame. The source code is, for example, the same for Linux and Windows. Only things which are defined by the operating system or the various compilers are set separated in the code.

How does the CoatiFrame framework increases the safety and compatibility of my products? +

The considering of possible compatibility and security problems of software must always include the Number of components, which are introduced by third parties in the project. The CoatiFrame framework consistently uses the services provided by the operating system and the C++ runtime libraries from the manufacturer.These libraries are usually improved by the manufacturer on a regular basis according to the current state of knowledge of possible weaknesses. The framework itself is benefiting automatically from the system updates, thereby boosting the safety and compatibility of your products.

Is HTTPS supported? +

Yes (except for coatione), if the current OpenSSL (see is installed on the computer. OpenSSL itself is not part of CoatiFrame. The enclosed PEM certificate and the PEM key are just an example and must be replaced by own ones.

What operating systems are supported by CoatiFrame? +

Currently, all CoatiFrame components are either for Microsoft Windows, Linux operating systems (64bit, gcc 4.8), Raspbian, or Mac OS X compiled. Basically, presumably all systems are supported, for which a C++ compiler is offered. The code is designed to support both 32bit and 64bit systems.

How do I get a license for CoatiFrame? +

Personalized licenses of CoatiFrame can be requested at Mellspa. Use our contact page or contact us via e-mail:

About CoatiOne

How do I install CoatiOne? +

CoatiOne needs no installation. The executable file can be copied, for example, into the root path of the Create WEB project and be started from there. CoatiOne always takes the current path as the root of the web project.

CoatiOne supports CGI and PHP? +

Yes, you can use the CoatiOne as a mini server to access your WEB sites as well as an interface to connect other programs by CGI.

About CoatiTwo

How can you install CoatiTwo? +

CoatiTwo requires no special installation and can be accessed from anywhere. The current directory ist the place where the config file is expected. There is no special installation path. This means, it could also be provided on a USB stick.

How to use OpenSSL with CoatiTwo? +

OpenSSL is not a part of the software CoatiTwo, it has to be installed on the computer before. However, if OpenSSL is installed, it can be used together with CoatiTwo. The own signature and the key are referenced in the config file.

CoatiTwo supports CGI, PHP and Perl? +

Yes. You can use the CoatiTwo as a mini server to access your WEB sites as well as an interface to connect other programs by CGI.

About Uaru

How can I install Uaru? +

Uaru requires no installation. The libraries can be easily added to your own project. This applies to Windows, Raspbian and Linux.

How does Uaru? +

Uaru reduce the tasks necessary for the receipt of the information requested on a minimal level and defines for all protocols only a few functions. This is possible because normally there are no special requirements that have to be met for many applications. The specific characteristics of the used protocols handled in the background. If errors occur, loging information might indicate the problem if necessary. The structure of Uaru as a DLL or as a shared library do not limit the use of Uaru to C++ projects.

What protocols support Uaru for sending and receiving? +

Currently there are the file :// and http://.

How can I download multiple files in parallel at the same time with Uaru? +

Uaru treats each URL independently from the user's perspective through the ConnectURL() command. The computer and operating system provided resources can thus be used fully and simultaneously. The real maximum number of connections is determined by a number of device and operating system-specific properties.

About Lepus

Can you save each image file individually? +

In this version, not first. For this you can use Uaru (Library for data transfer and MJPG Stream Wrapper).

Is it possible to pre-process the pictures? +

In this simple version of all individual images are forwarded unprocessed.

Can multiple streams are processed? +

Yes, just run multiple instances of Lepus the same time.

Can user and password data is used? +

At moment not.

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